I am losing my hair. Should I undergo an IQ FUE hair transplantation?

Trichoscopically controlled IQ FUE hair transplantation

A large percentage of men (approximately 85%) face issues with hair loss and thinning. Some turn to IQ FUE hair transplantation to address the problem. Does hair transplantation suit your case?

The trichoscopically controlled IQ FUE hair transplantation involves extracting hair follicles from the scalp and transplanting them into thinning areas. This method offers significant advantages in terms of safety, excellent design, control, and guaranteed results compared to other hair transplantation methods. To ascertain if you’re a suitable candidate for hair transplantation, a reliable evaluation by an experienced specialist in FUE transplants is necessary. There are specific prerequisites that one must meet to be an eligible candidate.

Type of Hair Loss

IQ FUE hair transplantation is suitable for men experiencing androgenetic alopecia with enough healthy remaining hair follicles in the donor area for extraction and transplantation into the recipient area. The recipient area shouldn’t suffer from any condition that might affect the regrowth and survival of transplanted follicles.

Realistic Expectations

IQ FUE hair transplantation offers a natural outcome and restores hair density in the thinning areas of the scalp. It’s entirely normal to eagerly await results after the procedure. New hair growth typically starts around the third month. Initially, the hairs might appear thin, but they strengthen and thicken over time. It may take up to 12 months to see the final results.

Lifestyle Factors

A balanced diet rich in nutrients, exercise, stress management, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are factors that facilitate the success of hair transplantation. In other words, what’s good for your overall health is also beneficial for your skin and hair.

Assessment by a Specialized and Experienced Doctor

During the evaluation appointment, the specialized doctor will discuss your goals, review your medical history, and conduct a detailed examination of your scalp’s condition using digital trichoscopy. Trichoscopy is performed using advanced software per square centimeter of the scalp to accurately assess the potential of the donor area for the number of follicles available for transplantation without affecting its density. The study also relies on comparative trichoscopy to maintain the results after transplantation (before and after comparison), conducted periodically during the 12-month period required for new hair growth and beyond. If necessary, to enhance and maintain the results, autologous mesotherapy (Magellan PRP) can be applied with growth factors to revitalize follicles in the recipient area and expedite healing in the donor area.